Close Encounter with Parasyte (DUB)


Overall Rating - 10

I understand it is a bit strange to see anything with a perfect rating in any sense of an overall score, but Parasyte truly deserves a 10 out of 10. This is my first anime review which makes it all the sweeter to start with such a master piece. I heard in passing conversations, anime posts online, etc. that Parasyte was Tokyo Ghoul done right. Of course this was a bit weird to me because I was watching season 1 of Tokyo Ghoul when this anime first caught my eye, and for those that don't know, that is the shining gem of that animation adaptation. Season 2 and 3 of Tokyo Ghoul become muddled and confusing very quickly. I surprisingly still enjoyed the anime quite a bit over all compared to my peers, and couldn't quite see where they were coming from with such harsh criticism. Until now when I have just finished Parasyte. All I can say is, holy shit they were right!

    Parasyte has transformed my list of favorite anime's, and has blown its way into my top 10 for sure. It could certainly take the top spot, but I have to give it some time to really decide if it is possible.. is it really that good!?  I watch all of my anime in Dub (deal with it) so keep in mind I am talking about that version, just in case there are any major discrepancies, anyway moving forward. The voice acting, OST, story, writing, and overall message are flawless. Author Hitoshi Iwaaki brilliantly created this wonderful culmination of what it means to be human, turns humanities ideals on their head, and specifically targets details of humanity that are seemingly a part of who we are, but dares to ask the question "why?"

    Parasyte's main protagonists are Shinichi Izumi, and his "partner" Migi the parasite that has infected his right hand. In the opening moments, this duo is brought together by a total mishap. The parasites main objective is actually to enter the human body and take over the brain where it will reside rent free for the rest of its life. This makes Shinichi a weird case, but also means he has an understanding of what begins to happen around him, without any fellow conspirators to lean on. Going forward Shinichi goes through changes, and has to grow up very quickly, because the parasites that did infect humans 'effectively' are now eating other humans to survive, go figure. Grappling with his humanity, Shinichi feels the need to help in anyway he can, and also protect himself from both humans and parasites. This is a tough notion for Migi because his sole objective is survival, and he sees no benefit to helping anyone. As the story continues Shinichi is brought to question his own humanity, ideals, and response to different situations. He begins to change a great deal after a *SPOILER* significant event takes place. 

    Loss, love, sadness, regret, resolve, grief, and happiness are all front and center being broken down to their core throughout the entire anime. Current events such as environmental issues, cultural differences, and politics are all examined, and bring in to question the effects human greed, and self righteous desire can have on them, and how that effects whether something is done for the right reasons, or if humanity has ulterior motives. When the viewer begins to think about these complex, yet simple ideas it can only bring about questions, and deep thought that causes us to self reflect. What makes a human a human, and what makes a creature a creature. The questions presented, and examined are on such a philosophical and psychological level that it is impossible to ignore.

    Beautiful music, plot, and dialogue convey the message that Hitoshi Iwaaki desired perfectly. Even now hearing some of the music is enough to give me instant nostalgia having just watched the show days ago. It will make you cry, and think critically of the world around you. That is what makes this anime so damn good! So often watching anime you have emotions of both sadness and happiness, underlying ideals being taught or explained, and a gripping experience, but it is hard to find animes that have all 3 without them being 300+ episodes. Parasyte is a whopping 24 episodes of non stop jaw dropping, gripping emotions and bad assery!  

    In conclusion I would recommend that anyone watch Parasyte, especially for anime lovers! Honestly, regardless of how many people know about this anime, it is underrated. I can't believe that it isn't regularly in the same conversation as Naruto, One Piece, Attack on Titan, Dragon Ball Z, Bleach etc. because it truly is a GIANT in the anime genre. So I say what are you waiting for?? 



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